Monday, January 19, 2009

My Freakin Awesome Cat!

This is my cat kitty. As most of you know I am not a cat lover....... until now. My cat is hilarious! As I speak she is trying to get in my laptop case so that she has a place to hide. When I was studying for my licensing exams I had to use the laptop to take on-line practice tests. I would have the laptop on all day and it would get really warm. One day when I was taking a break and I walked away for about 10 minutes, then I started to hear little dings and that sounded like someone was touching the keyboard keys. I ran into my room to see kitty wanting to sit on the warm laptop (she also sits on the dryer when I am drying laundrey.) I had to try and be really still when I took the photo's because I was laughing my head off!!! She is such a sweet cat and she even suffers through me cradling her in my arms like she's my child. We love her so much!

1 comment:

Mom Johnson said...

Love your cat! Fits right into your family.