Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some Great Things are Happening.

My mind is so full I am ready to explode!  First things first, I weighed myself this last Monday and the results were depressing.  Another gain to 260!  This is ridiculous, why was I living on liquid to just go back up.  So I put on my big girl panties (under armor compression shorts) and did what I needed to do.  I went to the gym 4 times this week at the butt crack of dawn did interval cardio, and circuit weight training.  After not being able to raise my arms or sit on the toilet because of the pained muscles I weighed in today at 254.

I've had a lot of revelation this week, and I thank good friends that think of me even when we haven't spoken in a long time.  I had one friend remind me of what I use to be like.  I hadn't thought of that person in a long time, that girl that use to be me.  It's weird when you see yourself from someone else's point of view.  Its eye opening.  It feels inspiring to be reminded of things you use to take interest in.  And not just interest but you actually applied it into your life.  I speak of diet and exercise.  At one point in my life, it was my life.  This was a short period of time, but I was healthy and happy.  Don't get me wrong, I am happy in most aspects of my life.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband, a weird cat, a job with a boss who cares about me, WONDERFUL family and friends.  The one area of my life that is frustrating the hell out of me is my health.  

The second answer to a prayer would be an email that I received from a friend that I haven't spoken to since I was 19.  She had been reading my blog and even though we hadn't spoken in so many years she wrote me an unbelievable email that was coincidentally a subject that had been on my mind for the last couple of years.  I've been doing  some research on vegetarianism for the last few years.  The lifestyle has always made sense to me, but I have always been scared to make the plunge and turn my diet upside down.  After speaking with this friend and checking out some of the information that she has supplied me with, I'm ready to make the plunge.  I hope to not get any negative feed back on this, I will be getting plenty of protein and vitamins and minerals.  All I can say is you can find an opposing side to any diet if you want to find it, there are pro's and con's to every kind of way of eating.  This is choice that I have thought about for years and I feel really good about this decision.  I know that I will have support system no matter what I do, hence the WONDERFUL family and friends. 

Here's to new beginnings!       


Mary said...

This is just a comment from one of your WONDERFUL family members: We're behind you...whatever! Love ya.

Eliza said...

Go Carrie!

Fries Family said...

I get a lot of flack for how I eat. However, I own it. It's something I feel so strongly about that peoples words mean nothing to me in regards to it. If this is something you feel that strongly about, it won't matter what others say. They are un-enlightened to the fact that people can make choices all by themselves.