Sunday, 10/24/10
My midwife decided that we should induce me since I had gestational diabetes and they didn't want me to go over my due date just in case of complications. Dustin and I went to the hospital at 9:00 am and they hooked me up to all sorts of machines and put an IV in (yuck!) and started me on a pill call cervadil (sp?). They told me that I should be in labor within 5 hours and we should have a baby by 6:00 that night. So we waited and waited and watched a lot of tv and nothing was happening. Thank goodness a "Parking Wars" marathon was on A&E (Sunday tv is so boring!). By 5pm nothing was happening and so I asked if it was ok for me to go home and if anything happened I would come back. They discharged me at 5:30 pm and as soon as I got in the car I started feeling contractions. When we got home my contractions were a lot stronger and about a minute and a half apart. I went in to lay in my bed and felt like I was going to throw up so I decided it was time to go back to the hospital. We went back to the hospital at 10:30 PM and I was dialated to a 5 which meant I was in active labor. They readmitted me and hooked me back up to all the machines and had to put in another IV. I hate needles, they are a phobia, and so the IV and the anesthesia were the worst part of the whole labor!
Monday, 10/25/10
At 2:00 AM the nurse let me get into the hot tub. Our Hospital just got a new tower, and a total renovation and so I was lucky enough to be in a brand new birthing room! The tub felt so good that I stayed in there for 5 hours! The bad part was that it slowed my labor down. My contractions were now about 5 minutes apart. Dustin and I walked the halls trying to get my contractions to increase. I felt a little silly in my gown walking around the hospital. There were a lot a people telling us good luck and looking at me with pity on their faces. At 8:00 they broke my water thinking that this was going to speed things along. When two hours later I was still at a 5 and they didn't see any increase they decided to put me on pitosin (sp?). I really didn't want to be put on it because I heard how hard and fast they made your contractions, but I figure we needed to do something. So they hooked me up and started giving me doses that increased at double every 15 minutes. It git me to a 7 by 1:00 PM and then it all stopped again, no progression. They then started talking about a c-section, which scared me because I have never had any kind of surgery before and the recovery time was much longer. It wasn't apart of my birth plan, but I guess a lot of this stuff wasn't apart of my plan. I told them to do what they need to do. They said they would give me one more hour on the drip and see where I was at. They checked me at 2:00 pm and I had dialated to an 8! Hallelujah! I wasn't going to have to do c-section after all. I spoke way to soon. They decided they would give me a couple more hours, which turned into 3, to see if I could get to 10. Did I mention that I had no drugs because I was trying to do natural child birth? I was in an enormous amount of pain when they checked me at 5:00 PM and I hadn't moved from an 8. I was so frustrated and they Midwife decided that we needed to do a c-section. I was scared, Dustin was scared (but stayed strong for me) and then everything went really fast. I signed all sorts of forms they got me ready for surgery in about 10 minutes and I was off to the surgery room. After tugging and pulling and being numb from the stomach down I heard a baby cry, and it was our beautiful little Hanna. Dustin brought her over to me and I seem to forget the events of the past 2 days and time stood still for a moment. She was perfect. the most amazing little girl that I had ever met.
They wheeled me into the recovery room and poked me and prodded. They gave little Hanna her first bath, and we tried breastfeeding for the first time. What a truly amazing experience this had been! I had no idea how much this little person would change my life and how much love I would have for her!
A big THANK YOU to my mom! She waited on me hand and foot for almost 2 weeks! Stayed up with the baby so I could sleep. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother that I love so much, and who loves me! I love you MOM!
I am posting pictures from the hospital, they aren't the best, but how good can you look after just having a baby!
oh my gosh!! I love the update! It makes me want to cry bc I love new little babies. You are awesome to try and do natural- you pretty much experienced the most painful parts- pitocin with out an epidural- thats awesome.
Im trying to do the natural thing with my third- but only bc I hope my body will go fast with it being #3- we will see!!
She is beautiful!!!!! And you do have the best mom ever!!! I miss seeing your mom--12 years later!! :)
Congrats! You are amazing, I tried natural for 12 hours then gave up. Your baby is darling,and it's impossible to look good right after having a baby, yet people insist on taking pictures!
Last night was the Watters Party and it just wasn't the same because you weren't there. So I decided to check your post and see if you put pictures up of your new little baby. She is adorable, I am so sad I didn't get to see her when you were here. For sure next time! Love you Carrie and hope all is going well with you and your cute little family.
Wow!! What an experience. She is so gorgeous and you look pretty great in those pictures for just having had a baby. :)
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